Passage: Deuteronomy 13:1~18  

Key verse: 3,4

1. A test of your love for God (1-5a)

The heart is deceitful and is easily led astray, but if love for God fills our hearts, we have spiritual discernment. We will not be deceived by a false prophet or dreamer whose words sound good. We must love and revere God, and obey his word.

2. Purge evil from your midst (5b-18)

When the nation of Israel was in its formative stage, the penalty for trying to draw someone away from God was death. Spiritual death is more serious than physical death. (See Acts 5:1-11.) Even if one we love tempts us to draw us away from God, we must stand on God's side. We must not spare or shield that person from punishment. If a whole town follows false gods, the whole town must be punished. The majority is not always right; even if idolatry and immorality are approved by the national consensus, they are still wrong. God's hatred of evil has never changed. He deals with the problem of evil in different ways.

Prayer: Lord, let the flame of your love burn in my heart so brightly that I may not be led away from you by anyone or anything.

One Word: Love God and don't be deceived