Passage: Joshua 5:1~12  

Key verse: 9

1. Circumcision (1-9)

Forty years before the Israelites had failed to enter the promised land because of unbelief and disobedience. All those of fighting age who had come out of Egypt had died on the way. Now, the new generation was ready to enter the land. But those born in the desert had not been circumcised. Circumcision identified them as God's people. It was a sign of their covenant with God. It was a sign of repentance and the cutting away of the old slave life. Now, at Gilgal ('rolled-away') Joshua circumcised the Israelites. Before beginning the battle, God's people must repent. God rolled away the reproach of Egypt.

2. The Passover (10-12)

The Israelites celebrated their first Passover in the promised land. It was a reminder of God's forgiveness and God's redemption. They ate the passover, then the manna ceased. From this time, they would eat the produce of the land of Canaan. There was no turning back. They must go forward with God and conquer.

Prayer: Lord, circumcise my heart and dwell with me so that I may win the victory over life.

One Word: Be ready for the battle