Passage: 1Samuel 3:1~21  

Key verse: 10

1. The word of the Lord was rare (1-9)

People lived in darkness and in spiritual ignorance because there was no word of God and no vision from God. The lamp of God flickered, but it had not gone out--there was a faithful mother who prayed. Samuel lived by his mother's faith. Then God called him. At first, he thought Eli was calling, but the old priest finally realized that God was calling the boy. When God called again, Samuel said, 'Speak, Lord. Your servant is listening.'

2. Speak, for your servant is listening (10-21)

God told Samuel about the impending judgment on the house of Eli. How could a little boy tell such news to the old man he loved and respected? But Eli taught Samuel that a prophet's responsibility is to speak the whole truth of God. So Samuel told him everything. Samuel feared God and honored his word, so God entrusted his word to Samuel, and the word of God through Samuel came to all Israel.

Prayer: Lord, give me faith and courage to speak and teach your word without fear.

One Word: Speak, for your servant listens