Passage: Galatians 3:1~14  

Key verse: 3:14

First, don't be foolish (1-9). The Galatians had foolishly accepted the teaching of the false teachers. Paul pleaded with them to remember how they originally believed. Paul had preached Jesus' crucifixion. When they believed Jesus, by faith, God gave them the Holy Spirit. God even worked miracles among them. None of this had anything to do with the law. Abraham himself was credited with righteousness when he believed God's promise. Abraham's children are those who live by faith, not by works. Second, Jesus became a curse for us (10-14). We cannot live by both faith and the works of the law. It is one or the other. Those who rely on keeping the law can never be justified before God. They are cursed when they break the law. The Bible says that the righteous will live by faith. (Ro 1:17b) Jesus died on the cross to take up the curse of the law that we deserve. He did this to bring Abraham's blessing of faith and righteousness to the Gentiles.

Prayer: Lord, help me not to rely on myself and works but only on Jesus who died for sinners like me.

One Word: The righteous will live by faith