Passage: Psalm 13:1~6  

Key verse: 5

1. How long, O Lord? (1-4)

When seemingly insoluble problems arise, we sometimes find that we must struggle not only with the immediate problem, but also with our own doubts and human thinking. Even King David tasted defeat and struggled with sorrow and with sinful thoughts. It may be that he is physically sick--or he may be sick at heart. He said, 'How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and have sorrow in my heart?' But he did not give up; he struggled in prayer and cried out to God to give him victory over enemies within and without.

2. I trust in your unfailing love (5,6)

David remembered the great salvation work which God had wrought in his life. He knew that God loved him. When he affirmed God's love, his questions and doubts and sorrow melted and he was filled with songs of joy and thanksgiving and praise.

Prayer: Lord, I rejoice in your great salvation. I trust your unfailing love. Forgive me for moments of self-pity and doubt, and help me to sing your praises forever.

One Word: Rejoice in God's salvation