Passage: Psalm 15:1~5  

Key verse: 1

1. A blameless walk (1-2a)

What are the requirements for living in joyful fellowship with God? First, we must be blameless and righteous. For this, we need God's grace of forgiveness. We must walk with God in prayer and obedience every day.

2. Speaking the truth from the heart (2b-5)

God is Truth. There is nothing false in him. (Jn 18:37) The devil is the father of lies. If we dwell with God we must have his truth in us, and we must speak the truth. We must not use words to hurt others, and we must keep our promises, even when it hurts.

3. Honor those who fear the Lord

We are tempted to honor those who have money or high position. But if we dwell with God, we must honor those who fear the Lord. And we must use money wisely. God's servant must not manipulate people with money, nor allow himself to be manipulated by money.

Prayer: Lord, cleanse me of sin and make me fit to dwell on your holy hill.

One Word: Dwell with God