Passage: Psalm 51:1~19  

Key verse: 10

1. Against you only have I sinned (1-6)

David committed a despicable sin--he committed adultery with Bathsheba and had her husband Uriah killed to cover it up. But when God's servant confronted him, he did not try to cover up his sin any more. He realized that he had sinned against God. He humbly repented. God is compassionate and loving. He desires truth, and teaches wisdom in the inmost heart. Repentance is true wisdom. May God grant our leaders such wisdom.

2. Cleanse me and I will be clean (7-19)

David repented, but he knew that he could not cleanse himself. He needed God's cleansing and healing. He could not fix up his corrupted heart, so he asked the Almighty God to create in him a pure heart. He longed for his broken relationship with God to be restored; he longed for the Holy Spirit, and for the lost joy of salvation. Then he could teach others. One cannot purchase forgiveness with money or good deeds; one must come to God with a broken heart.

Prayer: Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.

One Word: God accepts a contrite heart