Passage: Isaiah 55:1~13  

Key verse: 1

1. Seek the Lord while he may be found (1-7)

People work very hard seeking things that do not satisfy (Jn 6:27). A car or a computer or even human love cannot satisfy the thirsty soul. God sent his servant, the Messiah. He invites people of all nations to come to him and have their thirst quenched. If we hear him, our souls will live. But we must seek him while he may be found. We have sinned in thought, word and deed; we must forsake our sins and come to him. He promises to pardon us freely.

2. My word will not return empty (8-13)

We don't have to understand God or his ways in order to come to him. We must simply receive his word in our hearts. His word will accomplish his purpose as surely as rain waters the ground and makes it produce an abundant harvest. When we hold to his word and seek him with all our hearts, we will go out in joy and be led forth in peace, and all nature will rejoice (Ro 8:19-21).

Prayer: Lord, I come to you with my thirsty soul and my sins. Forgive me and fill me with your word and Spirit and make me a fruitful Bible teacher.

One Word: Seek the Lord while he may be found