Passage: Jeremiah 16:1~21  

Key verse: 19

1. I have withdrawn my blessing (1-13)

God withdrew his blessing, his love and his pity from Judah. Why? Because the people ignored God's word and followed the evilness of their stubborn hearts. So a terrible disaster was impending. God told Jeremiah not to marry or have children, for children and their parents would all perish. It was pointless to go to funerals or sympathize with mourners, for if people do not have God's comfort there is no comfort. There would be no more joyful wedding feasts, for they would all end in sorrow. God would throw his people out of the land. The exile to Babylon fulfilled his words.

2. The nations will come to God (14-21)

God's hand of judgment was on his people so that he might lead them to repent of their vile idolatry. If God's people repented, he would restore them and use them as Bible teachers for the nations of the world (19).

Prayer: Lord, forgive my stubborn ways and help me to obey your word, so that you may bless me and make me a blessing to others.

One Word: Obey God's word; be a blessing