Passage: Galatians 5:1~15  

Key verse: 5:14

First, Love, not circumcision, is what counts (1-6). Christ has set us free. But some wondered if they needed circumcision. They thought that at least, it wouldn't hurt. However, allowing oneself to be circumcised in that situation was akin to submitting oneself under the whole law. Paul strongly warned against it. Righteousness does not come from keeping the law. Righteousness has already been promised through Christ. The Holy Spirit enables us to wait eagerly. What matters is not meticulously keeping the law but expressing our faith through loving God and others. Second, do not indulge the flesh (7-15). The false teachers had severely intruded into the Galatians' spiritual race. Their influence had a huge, negative impact. But Paul was sure that God would help the Galatians to discern the truth and live by it. The truth is that Christ has set us free. We must not selfishly abuse that freedom but use that freedom to humbly serve others. We truly keep the law not through physical circumcision but when we love our neighbors as ourselves.

Prayer: Lord, help me to express my faith through loving others and sharing Jesus Christ with them.

One Word: Express faith in love