Passage: Amos 5:1~27  

Key verse: 6a,14

1. Seek good and not evil (1-17)

One who is cut off from God is dead. We must seek the living God and live. How can we seek God? First, we must give up our 'security blankets,' for they are false idols (Bethel, Gilgal, Beersheba were popular places of pilgrimage--but not God's appointed place of worship.); second, we must seek good and not evil. Even when justice is turned to bitterness, truth is despised, the rich squeeze the poor and build mansions for themselves, and prudent men keep silent, we must hate evil and love good. Then God will be with us. Perhaps he will have mercy on a remnant.

2. Let justice roll on like a river (18-27)

God does not want superficial religion. He wants real repentance. He wants us to seek him with all our hearts, and turn from evil. He wants justice to roll on like a river. The day of accounting will be a day of darkness for those who do not seek God.

Prayer: Lord, help me to seek you with all my heart; have mercy on our nation. Let justice roll on like a river.

One Word: Seek the Lord and live