Passage: 1Timothy 6:11~21  

Key verse: 12

1. Pursue righteousness... (11-16)

Paul's final charge is: pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. This will require us to fight the good fight of faith. Eternal life is promised to those who made the good confession and hold to it! Jesus gave an excellent example. God, our blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who is immortal and lives in unapproachable light is ruling over all, and with us in our battles. To him be honor and might forever.

2. Command them to do good (17-21)

Rich don't need to struggle materially, and may become complacent toward God or arrogant toward needy people. Instead, like all of us, they too should struggle with good deeds. Our true hope is eternal life: life that is really life. Wealth, which is so uncertain, cannot be a good foundation. In final admonition let us guard the gospel.

Prayer: Father you called me to you, and I answered. Help me fight the good fight of the faith.

One Word: Take hold of eternal life