Passage: Deuteronomy 21:1~23  

Key verse: 9

1. Prayer for the people's sins (1-9)

Every day we see how limited we are in our ability to solve injustice in this world. That doesn't mean we just try to forget about it; rather, we give it to God. When the people of Israel could not determine who committed a murder, they were to sacrifice a heifer and pray that God would accept it as atonement to take away the people's guilt for the crime they could not solve. We also need to pray earnestly for the sins of people in our time.

2. Rights for the helpless (10-23)

These laws seem cruel to us, but they are a step toward a just and merciful society, because they prohibit treating others arbitrarily. The widow of a killed enemy combatant had to be given a proper time of mourning before being taken as a wife. Fathers could not deny the rights of the firstborn based on their feelings. Parents who wanted to punish rebellious sons had to involve the community. A body executed by hanging could not be left exposed overnight. These laws prevent the degradation of human beings who are made in the image of God. On the cross, Jesus bore the curse and humiliation of sin to make atonement for us.

Prayer: Lord, I pray for my nation's sins. Please help me honor the image of God in everyone.

One Word: Do what is right in the eyes of the Lord