Passage: Joshua 4:1~24  

Key verse: 7

1. Why did they gather the stones? (1-18)

God instructed Joshua to choose twelve men, one from each tribe, to each pick up a stone from the river bed where the priests stood. They placed them together as a memorial to what God had done. It was a memorial to God's presence and his grace to his people. It would remind future generations of God's faithfulness to fulfill his promises. The grace of God's deliverance is meant to be memorialized.

2. God is powerful and to be feared (19-24)

This knowledge of God was to be proclaimed from generation to generation. The fear of God is not about punishment, but about respect for God who is powerful, faithful and who saves. To fear God is the response of anyone who experiences his grace and power in their lives.

Prayer: Lord, you deliver me daily by your power. I want to tell of your awesome deeds and faithfulness.

One Word: Memorialize God's grace forever