Passage: Ecclesiastes 1:12~2:11  

Key verse: 13

1. Wisdom is meaningless (1:12-18)

The Teacher sought meaningfulness in wisdom. He studied and explored everything under the sun. The Teacher amassed much wisdom about many things. He not only studied a great many subjects, the Teacher also applied his mind to study wisdom itself. He also studied madness and folly (foolishness), hoping to find some meaningfulness. Instead, all the Teacher found was meaninglessness. The pursuit of wisdom is like a "chasing after the wind," that leads one to sorrow and grief.

2. Pleasures are meaningless (2:1-11)

The Teacher sought much pleasure. He laughed and drank wine. He undertook great projects, building houses, vineyards and great gardens. He bought himself many slaves and amassed great wealth. He sought all the delights of the heart. But through all this, he gained nothing. When we pursue without God. We find nothing but meaninglessness.

Prayer: Lord, let us pursue these things with you in our hearts.

One Word: Wisdom and pleasure are meaningless without God