Passage: James 2:14~26  

Key verse: 17

1. Faith without action is dead (14-19)

Good deeds, without faith in Jesus, cannot save. But faith, without good deeds, is also dead. True Christian faith reveals itself in good deeds. Saying good words without practical help for brothers and sisters in need is useless. Faith and good works are not separate matters - they go together. Believing in God is not enough for even demons believe in God. Our belief and faith are to be accompanied by good deeds.

2. Biblical evidence for good works


Faith and deeds working together is seen in Scripture. Abraham believed God's promise by faith. He also offered his son Isaac on the altar by faith. God considered Abraham righteous by both his faith and his actions. Rahab, a Gentile prostitute, believed God would give Jericho to the Israelites and so she hid the spies. Her faith revealed itself in action and God saved her and her family. (Josh 2, 6)

Prayer: Lord, let the faith you have given to me produce good works that please you and can bless others.

One Word: Faith without works is dead