Passage: Isaiah 49:1~26  

Key verse: 6b

1. "You are my servant" (1-13)

The Servant in these verses could be prophets like Isaiah or the remnant in Israel, but is most clearly fulfilled in Jesus the Messiah (Lk 2:32). This message is to the nations of the world: The Servant will not only restore Israel to God, but be a light for the Gentiles. For 2000 years this salvation is reaching the ends of the earth in Jesus, through his servants. In Jesus we have a new covenant (8), freedom (9), and real satisfaction (10). Our response is joyful singing, for the LORD comforts and has compassion.

2. "I will not forget you" (14-26)

Israel in captivity felt forsaken. A mother does not forget her baby; though she may forget, the LORD does not! He will restore them from the ends of the earth, and they will see their children prosper in the land. The fierce nations would become babysitters, delivering children back from exile. Then all will know that the LORD is the Savior and Redeemer of Israel.

Prayer: Father, thank you for Jesus, our light and salvation. Let me hope in him and share his light.

One Word: Put our hope in Jesus