Passage: 1Peter 1:22~2:3  

Key verse: 1:23

1. Have sincere love for each other (1:22-25)

When we obey the truth of God, and learn to love one another, God purifies us. Because we have been purified, God's people should love one another deeply, from the heart, not with the hope of getting something in return. Why should we do this? Because we have been born again. In fact, we are born of imperishable seed. All people are perishable, just like the grass. But, like the word of the Lord endures forever, so we are born again to eternal life. Because of God's word, we are imperishable!

2. Crave pure spiritual milk (2:1-3)

How can we love each other deeply? First, we need to rid ourselves of all sin (deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of any kind). Next, we need to crave pure spiritual milk. If we don't crave the things of God, sin is ultimately what we end up craving. We have tasted that the Lord is good. Let us therefore crave the things of God.

Prayer: Lord, thank you that we have been born again of imperishable seed. Help us to love one another and to crave pure spiritual milk.

One Word: I am born of imperishable seed!