Passage: Jeremiah 33:1~26  

Key verse: 15

1. Blessings poured out on us by God (1-11)

In the future God would bring his people back and restore them. God is the Creator (2). Nothing is impossible for him to accomplish. He promises his people peace and security. He will bless his people so that his people will bring him renown, joy, praise and honor before all the nations (9). This is the reason that God blesses us.

2. Through the righteous Branch (12-26)

All of these wonderful promises will be fully accomplished through the righteous Branch from David's line. He will be called The Lord Our Righteousness. Through him God will not fail to have a king sit on David's throne. Though some of the exiles would come back to Judah in about 70 years, true restoration would come centuries later when God would send Jesus into the world.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for blessing our lives through the Gospel. May we bring renown, joy, praise and honor to you before all the nations.

One Word: God accomplishes everything through his Righteous Branch...Jesus