Passage: Revelation 18:1~24  

Key verse: 4

1. Come out of her, my people (1-8)

Babylon represents the power and glory of this world supported by Satan and his allies. Now another angel shouts, "Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!" Her destruction is so sure that the people of God must come out of her like Abraham and Lot, in order not to share in her sins and receive her plagues. "Come out of her" does not mean our coming out of them physically. We must rather live among them but not follow their earthly value system, pleasure-seeking philosophy, and corrupt ways of life but live a holy life preaching the Word to them (Rom 12:2).

2. The people of God will rejoice (9-24)

The world will lament over Babylon's fall not because they repent but because they lose their own luxuries, splendor, benefits and earnings they enjoyed as kings, merchants and sea captains. But the heavens and the people of God will rejoice over her ruin - the result of God's right judgment. We must not lose our heart by the temporary glittering things of this world that will be thrown down like a large millstone into the sea in a moment.

Prayer: Lord, help me not to follow this world but to live as Jesus' disciples to the end.

One Word: Come out of Babylon!