Passage: 1Kings 12:16~33  

Key verse: 16b

1. The kingdom splits (16-24)

Upon hearing Rehoboam's refusal to listen to the people, Israel rebelled. Rehoboam narrowly escaped with his life. Ten tribes formed the nation of Israel and made Jeroboam their king. Judah, Benjamin and Jerusalem still remained under Rehoboam's control. Rehoboam mustered the young men of Judah and Benjamin to regain the rest of Israel. But God warned Rehoboam and the people of Judah and Benjamin not to fight. They obeyed God's word and averted a civil war.

2. Jeroboam's golden calves (25-33)

God had promised Jeroboam that if he did all that God commanded and walked in obedience, God would build a dynasty through Jeroboam. But out of fear of losing his new kingdom, Jeroboam created his own religion. It was a shrewd political move. He erected two golden calves and shrines. He installed his own priests and created festivals. This easy-to-worship idolatry would discourage the Israelites from traveling to faraway Jerusalem. Jeroboam turned his nation away from God to idols.

Prayer: Lord, help me to remember your grace and live by your promises. Please take away my fear.

One Word: Claim and live by God's promises