Passage: 2Kings 4:38~44  

Key verse: 43

1. Elisha holds a conference during a famine (38-41)

By faith during a famine, Elisha held a Bible conference with 100 prophets. By faith, he commanded his servant to put on a large pot and make a stew for them. The servant searched for food, found unknowingly poisonous gourds and cut them into the stew. As soon as the men ate the stew, they realized it was deadly. By faith, Elisha put flour into the stew. Then the stew became edible -- and the conference was saved!

2. Elisha feeds 100 prophets (42-44)

Someone brought 20 loaves of bread to Elisha for his personal use. But he said, "Give it to the people to eat." The servant wondered how this could feed 100 men? Again, Elisha answered, "Give it to the people to eat." He absolutely believed God's promise that they would eat and have some left over. And, it happened exactly as the word of the Lord promised. Elisha was a shepherd who fed the people physically and spiritually by faith, in spite of the hard realities and revealed God's glory!

Prayer: Lord, raise up shepherds who can feed God's flock by faith even in adversity and render glory to God!

One Word: God blesses Elisha's shepherd heart and faith