Passage: Daniel 8:1~27  

Key verse: 19

1. A ram, a goat and a horn (1-14)

God showed Daniel the signs of the end of time: A ram with two horns charged against all. None could be rescued from its power. But a goat with a large horn shattered the two horns. Soon the large horn was replaced by four horns. Then one horn reached to the Beautiful Land. It took away the daily sacrifice defying the holy sanctuary. The truth was thrown to the ground. But the sanctuary was re-consecrated soon.

2. The interpretations (15-27)

The ram was Media-Persia and the goat Greece. The large horn, Alexander the Great was taken over by four generals. The master of intrigue was Antiochus lV Epiphanes who invaded the Beautiful Land. He defied the holy temple replacing daily sacrifice with the pig heads. He caused the deceit to prosper. The Antichrist arose. The truth was thrown to the ground. But the Holy God is in control. He destroys them all. As Daniel was appalled but came back to his daily work, so we should keep on preaching the gospel in the last days.

Prayer: Lord, kingdoms rise and fall. But the Lord is in control. Let us preach your word in season and out of season.

One Word: God's truth will stand forever