Passage: Malachi 2:1~9  

Key verse: 7

1. A broken covenant (1-5)

God entered into a covenant with the descendants of Levi (Nu 18:2-7, 25:11-13). The Levites were to serve God as priests and enjoy life and peace. The Levites, in turn, were supposed to revere and stand in awe of God. Practically the priests honored God through offering at the temple and teaching the word of God to their fellow Israelites. In Malachi's time, the priests no longer honored God's name nor listened to him. God rebuked the priests and cursed them. He would smear on their faces the dung from their empty religious festivals.

2. Your teaching has caused many to stumble (6-9)

The priest was also responsible for instructing the people in God's word. He was like God's messenger to the people. However, not only did the priests turn from God, the teaching from their lips and their irreverent lifestyle caused many to stumble. God was angry with them and promised he would humiliate them before the people.

Prayer: Lord, let the words of my mouth, the meditation of my heart and my actions bring you honor and glory.

One Word: Instruct according to God's word