Passage: Ezra 5:1~17  

Key verse: 11

1. The work resumes (1-2)

After Xerxes' opposition stopped the building of the temple, the people lost their spirit. But when king Darius came into power, there was a new opportunity. God inspired the prophets Haggai and Zechariah to urge the people to resume the work, as you can read in their books. Zerubbabel, Joshua, and the people received new courage and resumed building the temple, and the prophets also stood by the people and supported them in the work.

2. When the work resumed,

Tattenai, the regional governor, became worried. He and his officials questioned the Jewish elders and wrote a letter to Darius, but did not stop the building work. That letter became a chance for the Israelites to testify to God's work in their history. They reminded the king of Cyrus' decree. God gave his people wisdom to defend the work he gave them to do.

Prayer: Father, thank you for those who urge us to continue in the work of building your church. Help me do your work by faith and give us wisdom to defend it.

One Word: Rebuild God's house in my generation