Passage: Nahum 1:1~15  

Key verse: 7


Nahum's vision concerns God's imminent judgment on Nineveh, the capital city of the oppressive Assyrian empire. Nahum's name means 'comfort.' Whereas Jonah had been sent to Nineveh with the message of judgment (Jonah 3:4), resulting in their repentance and God relenting, Nahum's message was sent to the scattered people of Judah who were suffering from the widespread war and power of Assyria. Their oppressor would be brought down, and Israel would be restored (2:2). This message would bring relief and comfort to all God's people. Nahum's prophecies in this vision would be fulfilled when Nineveh and the Assyrian empire were conquered by the Babylonians in 612 BCE. He mentions the destruction of Thebes (3:8), whom Assyria destroyed in 663 BCE. Therefore Nahum likely served as a prophet in the days of King Josiah, and was a contemporary of Zephaniah and a young Zechariah. All three chapters foretell God's destruction of Nineveh. The theme of God bringing Assyria to account for all its brutality and wickedness points to another very important truth: God is sovereign over all the earth. Injustice and wicked rulers will all face his judgment, and will be removed. But the kingdom of God, the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, will increase and fill the earth. All things are under God's rule and sovereign power. There is comfort to be found in him and his reign alone.


1. The LORD is... (1-10)

Nahum first recounts the character of God. Our God is trustworthy to mete out justice; he will not let the guilty go unpunished. He is sovereign over all nature and nations. His wrath is something that cannot be weathered by any human strength or resistance. But he is also slow to anger, and most importantly he is good. When the wicked are powerful and God is patient with them, what do we do as we wait for justice to be done? Find refuge in our good God, and trust in him. Nineveh's wicked reign of power would come to an end.

2. This is what the LORD says: (11-21)

The LORD's statement is clear: Nineveh's military power and political allies will not save it from the day of judgment. Assyria's use as God's instrument of affliction on Israel is done; now they will be destroyed. This is a message of good news and peace for Judah in the land, now free to worship and keep the LORD's festivals (2Ki 23:21-23).

Prayer: Father, you are trustworthy and good. In days of injustice, help us find refuge in you.

One Word: He cares for those who trust in him