Passage: Nehemiah 8:13~9:5  

Key verse: 9:3

1. The people celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles (8:13-18)

During the time of exile, many traditions ceased, including the major religious festivals. When the people studied the Bible diligently, they learned that God commanded them to hold a Feast of Tabernacles to commemorate how he had cared for them in the wilderness. With great joy, they built temporary quarters and for seven days they celebrated with much prayer and Bible study, reviewing God's grace to them since the patriarchs. The Feast had not been celebrated with such joy and meaning since Joshua. For they felt the joy of being back in the promised land after the exile, as the Israelites rejoiced in coming to the promised land after being in the wilderness for 40 years.

2. Bible study and obedience (1-5a)

Real Bible study only happens when people decide to obey the word of God. When God's people stood with repentant hearts and listened to the word of God attentively for hours, they could confess their sins, repent, and worship God. Then, they praised the Everlasting, Creator God.

Prayer: Lord, teach me to worship, repent, and rejoice in you each time I study the Bible.

One Word: Worship, repent, and rejoice in the Lord!