Passage: Genesis 26:1~15  

Key verse: 4

1. Stay in this land (1-6)

A famine struck, and Isaac calculated to go to Egypt to survive. The Lord God appeared to Isaac and commanded him not to go down to Egypt. If he stayed in the land, God promised to protect him, provide for him, and give him and all the land of Canaan for his descendants. God extended the covenant promise he gave to Abraham to Isaac. God would make Isaac a source of blessing to all nations. Isaac believed God's promise and stayed in the land by faith. We need faith in God's promises to overcome our hard situation and calculations. Then God can bless us and use us as a blessing to the world.

2. God protects Isaac's family (7-15)

Isaac was fearful of the men in Gerar and told Rebekah to say she was his sister, so they would not kill him and take her from him. Eventually, Abimilek saw through his ruse and he rebuked Isaac for deceiving them. God protected his family through Abimilek. God also gave Isaac wells during the famine, and Isaac prospered a hundredfold.

Prayer: Lord, forgive my foolish mistakes. Help me to stay in the promised land by faith.

One Word: Stay in the mission land by faith