Passage: Romans 10:14~21  

Key verse: 15

1. Preach the good news (14-15).

As we have read, those who call on the name of the Lord will be saved. In order to call on the Lord, we must believe that he died for our sins and that because he lives, we too shall live. But how can we hear if the word is not preached and if missionaries and Bible teachers are not sent? We must pray for God to send a multitude of Bible teachers into the world.

2. Israel's unbelief (16-21).

Why weren't more Israelites saved? It was because they didn't accept the good news. Paul says that they heard it and understood it, but refused to believe. In contrast, many Gentiles were saved. They were not a people and had no understanding, yet they accepted Christ by faith. The Israelites should have been envious of them. They should have seen the blessings of Christ and desired them for themselves.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, send us out to preach the good news!

One Word: Preach the good news