Passage: Zechariah 9:1~17  

Key verse: 9

1. Your King is righteous and victorious (1-10)

Zechariah’s word of the LORD against enemies, particularly the Philistines, contrasts with verse 9. Their righteous and victorious king is coming, but he is a humble king, riding on a donkey’s colt. His reign brings peace to the nations. This king is Jesus (Mt 21:5; Jn 12:15). He reigns victoriously through his finished work on the cross, and humbly shares his victory with us as we welcome him into our lives as Savior and King. In him alone is peace.

2. The Shepherd LORD saves his flock (11-17)

The LORD’s people had many more conflicts, but God would free them from prison, restore them, and raise them as a fighting force. God’s promise of salvation looks forward to the day of final victory, when he saves his people as a shepherd saves his flock. How beautiful we will be when Jesus comes again to reign in his eternal kingdom!

Prayer: Father, thank you for sending Jesus our King. Help me rejoice and welcome him today.

One Word: Jesus is my shepherd king