Passage: Psalm 14:1~7  

Key verse: 7a

1. The fool (1-6)

The fool says, 'There is no God.' A fool is not someone lacking mental prudence or judgment, but living without fear of God, and making no room for God in his heart. The fruits of unbelief are corruption and vile deeds. In the godless world, no one does good. God searches for any who seeks God, but all have become corrupt and fall short of God's glory. They devour (persecute) God's people. But they dread because God is with the righteous as their refuge. How can we be the wise, not corrupt fools? Start from the fear of the Lord which is the beginning of wisdom (Prov. 9:10).

2. The Lord restores his people (7)

In verse 7 the tone changes as David petitions God for the hope of deliverance-salvation for Israel coming out of Zion. Here Zion refers more than just the city Jerusalem, but the place where Christ would be crucified and fulfill God's salvation work. Looking forward to that glorious day David says, 'When the Lord restores his people, let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad!' Let us rejoice and be glad for Jesus restored us.

Prayer: Thank and praise Jesus who restores us from our sin and corruption.

One Word: One word: There is God