Passage: 1_Corinthians 7:1~24  

Key verse: 17

1. Concerning Marriage (1-16)

God instituted marriage at the time of Adam and Eve. He made marriage a holy and sacred thing. It is not to be entered into lightly. So Paul counseled those who were not married to remain so and honor God from where they were at. In the same way, those who are married must honor God in their marriage. They must not divorce. God hates divorce. (Mal 2:16). Wherever we are in this life, whether married or unmarried, we should honor God and seek him above all else.

2. Live as a believer (17-24)

Paul's encouragement to seek and honor God whether one is married or single applies to whatever situation God's people are in. Circumcised or not, slave or free, we were bought at a price through Christ's death on the cross. We belong to the Lord. We are prey to the saying 'the grass is always greener on the other side'. We always want what we do not have. But when we seek him above all things, we are content with our lot in life.

Prayer: Father, you bought me through Christ's death. Help me seek you no matter what.

One Word: Live in God's calling