Passage: Matthew 7:13~29  

Key verse: 24

1. The small and narrow (13-23)

Jesus said to enter through the narrow gate. Here, narrow does not refer to narrow minded beliefs and practices-like those of the Pharisees-but to the life that Jesus offered to all who came to him. The gate is small and narrow because few realize that acceptance is received by faith and not by works. Life starts and ends in God's love, given freely without condition. Stop hustling for acceptance through outward appearances or empty words and works like that of false prophets and disciples. Such lifestyles will end in disappointment.

2. Put into practice (24-29)

Jesus ends the Sermon on the Mount with the advice to put into practice what he taught. Like a house built on a strong foundation is one who listens carefully, understands, and puts into practice Jesus' words. It is a life of genuine love for God and for our neighbors. Seek God's kingdom first and pay forward the mercy that we first receive from God.

Prayer: Lord, no foundation is stronger than the one we have in your love for us in Jesus. May we be wise to live according to it and nothing more.

One Word: Be a wise builder