Passage: Psalm 32:1~11  

Key verse: 1

1. David experiences God's forgiveness (1-7)

The blessed person is the one who has received God's mercy and forgiveness. The burden of their sin has been lifted and it is no longer counted against them. Such people are honest about their sin with both God and themselves. They no longer try to hide their sin or ignore it. To do so would be to deceive themselves. When David was silent about his sin, he felt crushed under the weight of his guilt and shame. However, when he confessed his sin, God was faithful to forgive him. David's advice to everyone is to seek God while he can be found. Those who trust in God are hidden in him and receive protection and deliverance.

2. Listen to God's counsel (8-11)

It is far better to listen to God's counsel and obey his word than to have to be disciplined all the time like a horse or a stubborn mule. God doesn't want us to be that way. Instead, he wants to teach us the right way to live in his sight. Those who trust him like this will be surrounded by his wonderful, unfailing love. David went from the depths of despair to the heights of joy. This happens when we confess our sins and trust in the LORD.

Prayer: Father, we rejoice in your goodness.

One Word: God forgave the guilt of my sin