Passage: Exodus 25:23~40  

Key verse: 30

1. Table for the bread of the Presence (23-30)

A wooden table, covered with gold, was to always hold fresh bread so the people could always remember the presence and providence of God. Later, God would provide manna as bread from heaven-which points to Jesus, the true bread (Jn 6:49,51). The purpose of the bread is to teach us thankfulness for God's continually abiding presence and providence. We remember this presence at the Lord's table (Lk 22:19).

2. The lampstand of pure gold (31-40)

A beautiful lampstand made of pure gold-adorned with gold almond flowers-would provide light in the covered tabernacle. The lamp showed the way to God's presence. This reminds us of Jesus, the light of the world. In Revelation, lampstands represent the church (Rev 1:20). We are to let Jesus' light shine through us (Mt 5:16), pointing to Jesus who is the way to God, as the lampstand did. All this is to be done by God's pattern and plan.

Prayer: Father, thank you for Jesus, the bread of life and light of the world. Grant me a daily thankful heart, and help me shine Jesus the way to the world around me.

One Word: Come to Jesus