Passage: Exodus 30:1~21  

Key verse: 10

The altar of incense was related to the daily service of priests in the tabernacle. The incense symbolized the prayers of the priests before God (Ps 141:2). The priest would use the altar twice a day and in the annual atonement ceremony (Lev 16), which made atonement for all the people with a sin offering. In the same way, our prayers are made holy by Jesus’ name because we are his redeemed people. As we pray day and night for ourselves and God’s people, we do so considering Jesus’ blood, shed for us.

Moses was instructed to take a census. A nation has many reasons to conduct one. But God’s people were to pay a small, uniform offering when they were counted: The same for each person. The offering helped them recognize they were chosen as God’s people by ransom and atonement, not by their own accomplishment or national pride. A basin was provided so those who minister may keep their hands and feet clean, reminding us of Jesus who washed his disciples’ feet (Jn 13:1-17).

Prayer: Father, thank you for Jesus’ atoning blood. Let it inform my daily prayer and identity, and cleanse me for your service.

One Word: Atoned by the blood of the Lamb