Passage: Leviticus 18:1~30  

Key verse: 5

God gives very clear regulations regarding sexual relations, for immorality is the most prominent act of the sinful nature (Gal 5:22). More so, God wants to protect his people. Out of his grace and mercy, he saved them from Egypt and brought them from the Promised Land. He wanted to guard his children from evil practices that inflict so much pain, shame, sorrow and suffering. He reminds them of his grace and promises that whoever obeys these commands will live. We can bear and enjoy God’s blessings when we remember his infinite mercy and grace and decide to obey him as our Lord.

The laws given here reveal that God knows what despicable actions people are capable of. These laws are convicting, embarrassing, enraging, and sobering. Yet they are empowering. God’s laws protect women and children from injustice. His laws set healthy sexual boundaries. His laws help us to find a clear sexual identity. His laws remind us that we must not conform to the pattern of the world.

God also warns them of his judgment when people fail to keep these laws. God who brought the flood in Noah’s time is the same God who punishes sexual immorality. God implores us not to follow our wayward, willful selves, but hold onto his laws and know that he is the Lord.

Prayer: Father, thank you for your mercy and grace. Help us to live under your protection.

One Word: Obey God’s holy decrees and live