Passage: 1_Thessalonians 1:1~10  

Key verse: 3

“Living in the Light”
In this wonderful epistle (which is Paul’s first epistle written around 51 A.D.), Paul simply plants faith, love, and hope in the church in Thessalonica.
In Acts 17, at the busy, large seaport of Thessalonica, Paul preached in the synagogue on 3 Sabbaths and evangelized many Jews and Gentiles, including some prominent women. When some other jealous Jews stirred up persecution against Paul and started a riot, he left for Berea, and then Athens. Wanting to help the new believers, Paul tried twice to return but was hindered. Instead, he sent Timothy, who brought back a glowing report of their standing firm.
In this epistle, Paul responds to doubts and questions they had regarding Jesus’ Second Coming and what would happen to their loved ones who had already died. The letter is divided into 2 parts: thanksgiving and instruction. The letter also contains 3 prayers, one at the beginning, one in the middle and one in the end. Through the study of this epistle, we learn how Paul gives basic instructions to new Christians on how to live in the light of Jesus’ Second Coming with faith, love, and hope. We learn how to be godly, to grow in grace, to be sanctified, to live with hope in Jesus’ return, and to live in community with other believers.
His prayer and instruction were the keys to helping this vulnerable, new church to grow spiritually. Let’s learn from Paul’s example and go back to the basics of raising new disciples and church planting.

Paul greets the young church officially on behalf of Paul’s team of leaders. He encourages them with Jesus’ grace and peace, assures them that they are constantly in his prayer, and acknowledges their dedication to the Lord. Their faith, love and hope were a model to other believers. Often, we struggle alone in the spiritual battle and feel no one knows or remembers us. Paul knew this about the Thessalonians, and this was his impetus to begin his letter writing to churches, known as the epistles.

Paul reminds them how they came to faith. The underlying truth is that God loved and chose them. They believed the Word, and the Holy Spirit worked powerfully in them with conviction. They turned away from polytheism, accepted the one true God, and imitated Paul’s way of life joyfully.

The Thessalonians, some of high status, were new Christians. Though they were vulnerable and had much to lose, they endured fiery persecution, shared the message, and waited for Jesus' Second Coming. Their story inspires us today. Our simple faith in Jesus’ death on the cross for our sins and our hope in his resurrection challenges this post-Christian era. To endure trials, we must live in the light of Jesus’ Second Coming as they did.

Prayer: Father, empower us with your Spirit to believe your words, to joyfully overcome trials with faith, love and hope, and to share the gospel.

One Word: Persevere with faith, love and hope