Passage: Isaiah 8:1~22  

Key verse: 20

Isaiah spoke of a coming flood that would overwhelm the nations, including Judah in southern Israel. At the time, the “flood” was the threat of the king of Assyria. Even though the Israelites would prepare for battle, they would be shattered. God had Isaiah name his son Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz, prophesizing Assyria’s plunder and conquest of Aram and Samaria in northern Israel. Isaiah and his children were born for such a time as this. They were the signs and symbols that God’s prophecy would soon come about. Like the flood from Noah’s time, the coming "flood" would be a sign of God’s judgment.

Today, many floods overwhelm us, whether it be the pandemic, other major disasters in the world, or matters in our personal life. It’s easy to assume God’s judgment on our lives. Still, Isaiah tells us not to fall into conspiracy theories and fear but instead wait for the Lord and put our trust in him. The LORD God is the light of dawn. He is the one we should turn to rather than the fear mongering tactics of the world and the media. May God keep us grounded to trust in him, even when things are chaotic and falling apart all around us.

Prayer: Lord, save us from the flood. You are the light of dawn and are mighty to save.

One Word: Trust in the Lord.