Passage: Isaiah 29:1~24  

Key verse: 13

“Ariel” means “Lion of God” and was another name for Jerusalem. It was the center of the worship of God. Every year, the people held religious festivals. They kept an appearance of honoring God. In fact, their hearts were far from God. Therefore, God would send foreign nations to severely humble her. Nevertheless, God would also judge those nations and save the remnant of his people (5-8).

Isaiah spoke this prophecy as a warning for his people to repent. However, the people were in a spiritual stupor and could not understand the message. They stubbornly clung to their human rules and their religious jargon, but their hearts were far from God (13). They tried to hide their plans from God. They were like a pot defiantly rebuking a potter, “You know nothing.” Is your heart close to God or far from him? Commit to repentance and seeking the Lord with all your heart, soul, and strength.

To those who continued to humbly seek God, a day of blessing would come. The deaf would hear the words of God. The blind would see again. God’s wonders would multiply. God would bring true justice. God’s people would keep his name holy and stand in awe of God.

Prayer: Father, please cleanse our hearts and help us to hear and obey your word. Make our worship acceptable to you.

One Word: Stand in awe of the God of Israel