Passage: Deuteronomy 19:1~21  

Key verse: 10

Moses reminded the Israelites: Once the LORD God gives them the land, they are to set aside three cities of refuge – the beginning of such cities. That’s because the LORD God will enlarge their territory if they carefully obey and love God. When he does, they need to set aside three additional cities of refuge. Anyone who unintentionally kills another may flee to one of these cities and be shielded from vengeance carried out in rage. These special cities will provide mercy, protection, and justice to those whom God said do not deserve to die. However, those who kill another in hate are not shown mercy in the Promised Land. The cities of refuge will not hide them from justice.

God also says that a person cannot be convicted of a crime based on the testimony of one witness. Two or more are needed to validate a matter. This principle protects the accused. Judges must thoroughly investigate and find the truth. Witnesses who prove to be liars must be punished in the way they had wished the falsely-accused to be punished. God desires that his people maintain justice as they become a nation in the Promised Land. As they demonstrate justice in God’s way, they reflect God’s just character to the world.

Prayer: Father, help me to share your heart for those have unintentionally caused suffering. Help our leaders and judges to seek truth and to be just as you are.

One Word: Mercy and justice under God