Passage: Deuteronomy 23:1~25  

Key verse: 14

The LORD God lived with the Israelites in their camp to protect them. However, God is holy, so he desired that the camp be holy. God’s laws directed the people how to be holy.

To be a holy people, the Israelites needed to exclude and include certain people. Eunuchs were excluded because in ancient, pagan cultures, becoming a eunuch was a sign of devotion to a ruler or an idol. Ammonites and Moabites were also excluded because they did not help the Israelites and instead hired Balaam to curse the Israelites. But future Edomites and Egyptians were included because they were related to the Israelites or had lived among them in the past.

God also gave commands regarding camp hygiene and moral integrity. Slaves who had taken refuge with an Israelite were to be treated mercifully. Becoming a shrine prostitute was forbidden and so was charging interest to a fellow Israelite. Vows to God were to be kept. Hungry people were allowed to eat in vineyards and grainfields but forbidden from collecting grapes or grain. God was among them, and how they lived had to reflect that reality. Likewise, God dwells in Christians through the Holy Spirit. May our lives reflect God’s presence.

Prayer: Father, thank you for being in our midst though we are sinners. Thank you for the Holy Spirit. Help us to be holy.

One Word: Be holy for God is holy