Passage: Deuteronomy 25:1~19  

Key verse: 15

God’s laws require a court system. The courts uphold justice and should reveal God’s just and merciful character in the world. The guilty may be flogged but not degraded. Punishment must never humiliate others.

God’s people must not neglect others. The apostle Paul quotes verse 4 twice (1 Cor 9:9; 1 Tim 5:18) to encourage Christians to provide financial support to full-time ministers. In ancient times, widows without sons could easily become destitute and abandoned. A brother of the dead husband should marry the widow and have a son for his dead brother. Anyone who does not fulfill this duty is confronted by the widow and disgraced in the community. Though we no longer keep the specifics of this law, we are still responsible for the care of widows in our earthly and church families. Is there someone in need whom you can bless?

God also commands his people to use accurate and honest weights. We may be tempted to be dishonest and try to justify this sin. However, God detests dishonesty. Dealing honestly comes with a promise – living long in the land the LORD gives them. Conversely, the Amalekites, who showed no fear of God, would be blotted out in the future.

Prayer: Father, help me to live up to your standards and reflect your great character in my daily life.

One Word: God’s people are people of integrity