Passage: Luke 5:1~11  

Key verse: 4

Jesus preached to the crowd on Simon’s boat. He then asked Simon to “put out into deep water and let down the nets.” Though disappointed and tired after a night of empty nets, Simon obeyed saying, “Because you say so,” and caught a great catch. “Because you say so” are words of faith. “It doesn’t make sense, but because you say so, I will.” “Because you say so” are also words of trying again in obedience to Jesus’ words. When Simon defied his knowledge and feelings and obeyed Jesus, he experienced faith in Jesus’ words. Jesus does not fail to bless those who are humble and obedient to his words.

Through the miraculous catch of fish, Peter’s spiritual eyes were opened. He saw himself as a sinful man who was not worthy to be in the presence of the Lord. Jesus said to him, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” This promise of Jesus implies that he will make us fish for people as we follow him. Fishing for people means becoming a shepherd of God’s flock like Jesus, the good Shepherd (Jn 10:11). Simon left his old self-centered life and committed his life to a Jesus-centered life. Jesus shaped and formed Simon into a fisher for people.

Prayer: Lord, help me to have simple obedience to your words. Mold me and make me a fisher for people.

One Word: Fish for people