Passage: Luke 14:15~24  

Key verse: 23

Jesus’ instruction inspired one guest to express his interest in the feast in the kingdom of God. All agreed what a blessing that would be. Jesus wasn’t convinced. Instead, he told a story of guests invited to a great banquet. At first, they likely felt as the man did in verse 15: what a blessing to eat at the feast! But as time passed while preparing a perfect banquet, the guests became distracted by other things: one had just purchased property, another had a yoke of oxen, and a third had just gotten married. They all knew of the pending appointment and wanted to attend, but their practical and immediate interests took precedence over the invitation. They missed out, but this prompted the man to bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame, eventually opening the door to any who would come in, so that his banquet would be full.

This happened in history. God sent his Son to invite his people to the kingdom, but they were not interested. Jesus primarily ministered to the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame. God sent his servants like Paul to the world, eventually including us by God’s grace. As we await Jesus’ coming again, to eat at his table (22:16), let’s remember his grace of invitation. Instead of being distracted, let’s share it with others so God’s house may be full.

Prayer: Father, thank you inviting me to your kingdom through Jesus. Help me overcome distraction and keep that banquet in mind.

One Word: Share this invitation to the banquet