Passage: 1_Timothy 1:12~20  

Key verse: 15

Paul reflects on the immeasurable grace of Jesus that is poured out on him – a blasphemer, a persecutor, and a murderer. And he praises God for calling a sinner like him into God’s service. Paul trains himself to meditate on the grace he received to rescue him from his abomination, which he recognizes were the result of his ignorance and unbelief. Paul has the right view of God’s love and grace poured out on him, shielding him from self-condemnation and self-righteousness.

Then Paul testifies that he is the worst of sinners, and that Jesus came into this world to save him in order to reveal God’s immeasurable patience to save anyone who believes. God delights in revealing his glory through saving the worst. We need to believe this for ourselves and those we pray for. There are many more Pauls to be saved and called for his mission. Let’s rely on Jesus’ extra grace and love to save others who are utterly lost.

Lastly, Paul encourages Timothy to fight the spiritual battle to correct the false teachers. Timothy needs to remember God’s vision for him to be the next generation’s leader and have spirit to fight.

Prayer: Father, thank you for your grace; help me to see others with your hope and be patient.

One Word: Christ came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the worst