Passage: Luke 9:57~62  

Key verse: 62

1. First, followers willingly accept adversity (57-58)

The previous passage states that Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem. Out of his great love and mercy, he voluntarily chose a path of false accusation, betrayal, torture, death, resurrection, and glory. Followers of Jesus must follow him along the whole path, not just part of it. One man said, "I will follow you wherever you go." But would he allow discomfort to enter his life? Jesus said, "...but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head." Following Jesus puts us in difficult situations and faces us with needy and challenging people. Are we willing to do this? Are we really following Jesus?

2. Commitment and direction (59-62)

Jesus told the second man, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God." By saying this, Jesus made it clear that preaching the good news of eternal life and proclaiming the kingdom of God is our greatest priority in life. It has precedence above and beyond anything else. We are to pursue it with no regrets, looking to Jesus and never looking back. Only then are we fit for a life of service in the kingdom of God.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, give us a willingness to follow you wherever you go and an urgent, passionate desire to proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God.

One Word: Follow Jesus all the way