Passage: Judges 13:1~25  

Key verse: 5

God did not ignore Israel’s evil behavior, and he delivered them into the hands of the Philistines. The Philistine oppression continued until David defeated them forty years later (1). The Israelites were stubborn to repent their sin and turn to God. Still, God was doing his work to let them realize the agony of life without God as they suffered under the Philistines.

Samson’s birth was unique among other judges. The angel of God appeared to Manoah’s barren wife and told her of a child she would bear. The child would live a life dedicated to God and be a leader among Israelites to deliver them from the hands of the Philistines (5). Manoah and his wife responded to the message with a burnt offering, and God showed his acceptance (20). When Samson was born, he grew with God’s blessing (24).

Even when we are not paying attention, God is always working, carrying out his plan, and keeping his promise. Would you ask to be part of his work and experience his awesome power today?

Prayer: Father, thank you for your faithfulness. Please remind me daily to keep my eyes and ears upon you, to see your spirit leading me.

One Word: God called us to live a holy life