Passage: Judges 15:1~20  

Key verse: 19

Samson’s tension against the Philistines was further elevated with a dispute involving his wife. When the angry Philistines demanded that Samson be brought to them, the men of Judah were frightened. As they went to Samson, their words revealed their spiritual condition. They resented him for offending the Philistines, the ‘rulers’ over them. As God called the Israelites to be his people, he promised they would be rulers over many nations when they obeyed God’s commands (Dt 15:5.6). When they turned away from God and gave themselves into idol worship and the sinful lifestyles of the Gentiles, they were afraid of people, and considered them as their rulers rather than fearing and worshiping God.

Samson did not argue with the Israelites and agreed to be tied up and handed over to the Philistines. The Spirit of the Lord was with him to break the ropes and strike down the Philistines with a donkey’s jawbone. God also provided for him when he asked to quench his thirst. From God’s perspective, Samson had it in him to lead the Israelites for 20 years.

Prayer: Father, thank you for calling me to be your servant despite all my weaknesses. Please guide me with your spirit today.

One Word: The spirit leads me