Passage: Judges 16:18~31  

Key verse: 28

Samson lost his power when he despised his dedication as a Nazarite to God. Delilah shaved off his hair and called the Philistines, who completely subdued him. As the spirit of God left him, he was powerless.

Being powerless, Samson had his eyes gauged out, and was put into the enemy’s hands. It must have been a time for him to ponder the privilege and blessing he had received from the Lord. Samson’s hair grew back with time (22), symbolizing the spirit of God returning to him. It was an opportunity for Samson to understand where his power came from.

One day, while the Philistines worshiped their idol and got drunk, they wanted to bring Samson out to mock and ridicule him. At this time, Samson prayed to the Lord “to strengthen him once more.” He understood the origin and purpose of his strength. As he prayed to the sovereign Lord, he pushed two pillars supporting the roof. As God listened to his prayer and strengthened him once more, he died there, taking his enemies with him. God has given us strength to glorify his name. Do you live each day in reverence of the truth?

Prayer: Father, thank you for calling me with your good purpose. Help me to remember who you are and have direction to live to serve your will each day.

One Word: Sovereign Lord strengthens me